Math Actually Can Be Fun! Our Very Favorite Homeschool Math Review

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I have never had a math brain. I think in colors, words, music and pictures. The idea of crunching numbers or solving algebra problems makes me cringe. Literally. So how do you teach math to your children when you dislike it so much??? Add in both my children are dyslexic which can make math harder too. Memorization is not our strong point.

I have been homeschooling for 10 years now and have switched math curriculum every single year. Either I dislike using it or it leaves my child in tears of frustration. Neither are desirable!

For years I had tossed around the idea of trying Life of Fred books and finally took the chance and ordered them! Can I just say, I LOVE these books (and they are not paying me to say this 🙂 ! It appeals to those of us who don’t just want to look at a page of numbers. The ongoing story of Fred is so entertaining it often has both my children laughing! I appreciate that so many other subjects are mixed in with math, just like real life!


In the first couple books, we have learned new vocabulary (myself included), seen classic art, discussed grammar, learned some astronomy, and math of course. You almost don’t realize you are learning math! It is readable as a narrative with the math review at the end of each chapter. If you have a child who can read, they could easily complete this on their own. I actually read along with mine to explain and expand on different topics presented in the book and because I actually like it myself!

Some could arguably say this is not a full math curriculum. We are using it along with Teaching Textbooks and Times Tales (which I also highly recommend, especially if your kids have learning disabilities!). I ordered the Life of Fred Elementary Math Series for now. They can be ordered individually, but buying the sets saves you a little bit of money. After these, we will move on to the higher level books! It can be used along with your other math curriculum as added practice and review. I will also add, if you like to resell your used books when finished on sites like ebay or homeschool sales groups, these really seem to hold their value!

I am excited, as a former Language Arts teacher, to see that Life of Fred has now expanded to include Language Arts too! It is geared toward ” teenage learners to sharpen grammar, spelling, reading & writing skills with history, science and math lessons inserted along the way. ” Sounds awesome to me! And now there are Beginner Reading books! I wish they had these when my kids were younger!

Be sure to check out other teaching ideas using games to teach!

And you can even get a Fred and Kingie stuffed toy now! I can’t decide if they are cute or a little strange 🙂 B0186LM1BA

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